June 17, 2022
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June 17, 2022

June 16, 2022
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

June 16, 2022
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? As the debate over abortion rages, with the Supreme Court poised to possibly overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 pro-abortion ruling, I find myself wondering: How can anybody claim that God is in favor of abortion? But some do. Or how can they claim that the issue is important, but not really that important?... (more)

June 16, 2022

June 16, 2022
FREE BEACON ? Billionaire Elon Musk, a progressive darling during the Obama administration, on Wednesday announced that he voted Republican--and predicted a "massive red wave in 2022." Musk, who owns electric carmaker Tesla and is in negotiations to buy Twitter, tweeted that he voted for Republican Mayra Flores, who on Tuesday won a massive upset victory in a special election in Texas's 34th Congressional District. Flores managed to flip a majority-Latino, longtime-Democratic district by enough votes that she will automatically take the seat, becoming the first Mexican-born U.S. congresswoman.... (more)

June 16, 2022
'Any suggestion U.S. refiners are not doing our part to bring stability is false'
WORLDNETDAILY ? President Joe Biden wrote a letter Wednesday to oil industry executives, warning them he would take action if they don't boost refining output, Axios reported. Biden warned the leaders of seven major U.S. oil producers and refiners – ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP America, Shell USA, Phillips 66, Marathon and Valero – that he was "prepared to use all reasonable and appropriate Federal Government tools and emergency authorities" to increase petroleum refinery capacity and output, according to the letter obtained by Axios. The average price of gasoline nationwide hit a record $5.02 per gallon Tuesday while the average price of diesel fuel hit an all-time high of $5.78 a gallon Wednesday, according to AAA data.... (more)

June 16, 2022
'Why didn't he mask and vaxx harder?'
ART MOORE ? The National Institutes of Health announced Wednesday that President Biden's chief medical adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has tested positive for COVID-19. Fauci, who has directed the NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, took a rapid antigen test, the government agency said.... (more)

June 16, 2022
Data released ahead of Supreme Court ruling that could overturn Roe
WORLDNETDAILY ? A study released ahead of a Supreme Court ruling that could overturn the Roe decision finds an increase in abortions performed in the United States after 30 years of decline. The number of abortions performed as well as the rate of the abortions increased between 2017 and 2020, according to the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute. The reversal, the institute says, underscores that "the need for abortion care in the United States is growing just as the U.S. Supreme Court appears likely to overturn or gut Roe v. Wade."... (more)

June 16, 2022
CBN NEWS ? Conservative commentators and viewers are speaking out after Fox News aired a controversial story about two California parents who helped their 5-year-old biological daughter transition to become a boy named Ryland. The report was part of a Fox News series titled "America Together: LGBTQ+ Pride Month." Fox News Correspondent Bryan Llenas explained in his report that Ryland's parents Jeff and Hillary Whittington determined that, "Before Ryland could even speak, 'he' managed to tell his parents that he is a boy."... (more)

June 13, 2022
Missing figures from roughly 40% of state and local law-enforcement agencies
WORLDNETDAILY ? The FBI's crime data for 2021 is missing figures from roughly 40% of state and local law enforcement agencies across the country, leading many to incorrectly speculate that it's difficult to draw conclusions about nationwide crime trends, according to a crime expert. The gap created by more than 7,000 law enforcement agencies failing to report crime data to the FBI includes the U.S.'s two most populated cities, New York City and Los Angeles, as well as most law-enforcement agencies from California, Florida, Illinois, New York and Pennsylvania, according to The Marshall Project, who authored a report on the missing data released Tuesday.... (more)

June 12, 2022
RUMBLE ? Watch Alex Sheppard's exclusive interview with Dr. Alan Keyes to discuss Alex's experience in the Capitol building on 1/6, being present during the Ashli Babbitt murder, and the persecution he experienced as a result of protesting the stolen election.... (more)

June 12, 2022
Vote out the Jew-hating Democrats
JOAN SWIRSKY ? King Solomon said, "There is nothing new under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 1:9). The sun rises, and the sun goes down... all streams run to the sea... what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. In his prescience, King Solomon no doubt knew that one of the things that would remain the same was the obdurate persistence----over thousands of years----of maniacal Jew-hatred and a fanatical loathing of Israel.... (more)

June 12, 2022
NEWSMAX ? A United States general is crediting Elon Musk and his Starlink Internet service with keeping Ukrainian communication lines open in the war-torn country, while thwarting Russian efforts to shut them down. "The strategic impact is, it totally destroyed [Russian President Vladimir] Putin's information campaign," Brig. Gen. Steve Butow, director of the space portfolio at the Defense Innovation Unit, the Pentagon's Silicon Valley tech outpost said in a June 8 Politico report. "He never, to this day, has been able to silence (Ukrainian President Volodymyr) Zelenskyy."... (more)

June 12, 2022
Billionaire in battle over spam, fake accounts that threatens $44 million deal
ART MOORE ? Has Elon Musk given up on his $44 billion deal to acquire Twitter and make it a haven for free speech? Apparently not, according to the Washington Post, which reported that after a weeks-long impasse, the Big Tech platform's board will comply with Musk's demand to have access to data he says is needed to determine the number of fake users.... (more)

June 12, 2022
NEWSMAX ? Charging the alleged potential assassin of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh with attempted murder was a bridge too far, according to the law, legal expert Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax. "I hate to give you the bad news, but he cannot be convicted of attempted murder," Dershowitz told Saturday's "America Right Now." "He didn't go far enough. This is what's called preparation. For it to be attempted murder he has to come a lot closer to actually having killed, than just surveilling a house.... (more)

June 11, 2022
WAYNE ALLYN ROOT ? Stop trying to pretend this isn't treason. It is. Stop trying to pretend this isn't the purposeful, intentional destruction of America. It is. Stop trying to pretend this is "politics as usual" or a "political disagreement." It's not. Stop trying to pretend everything is going to be all right. It's not.... (more)

June 11, 2022
'These commissioners were fearless'
WORLDNETDAILY ? Officials in one U.S. county, likely troubled by the documentation that has shown serious problems with the accuracy of the 2020 presidential election results, has adopted a drastic change that could eliminate most fraud. They're going to have their ballots hand-counted. The Gateway Pundit reported Otero County, New Mexico, has adopted a plan to remove Dominion Voting Systems from their election process. Officials also are dropping drop boxes.... (more)

June 11, 2022
Fox News panel 'The Five'
YOUTUBE ? The panel on 'The Five' sounds off on the January 6 Select Committee's primetime hearing, with more to come next week... (more)

June 10, 2022
Illegitimate one-sided Jan 6 'committee'
YOUTUBE ? Graphic footage: Fox News host Tucker Carlson calls out lawmakers and the media for focusing on the January 6 committee while ignoring record-high inflation impacting Americans on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'... (more)

June 10, 2022

June 10, 2022
Confusion of languages that began at Tower of Babel was briefly lifted
STEVE A. STONE ? The miracle of the Pentecost actually begins near the beginning of history. If you understand the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11:1-9, you know the people in the story all spoke the same language. They lived in the land of Shinar, which modern scholars believe to be the region of Iraq where Babylon existed. The story in Genesis is metaphoric, describing the people's desire to build a tower to glorify their own achievements and to reach into Heaven itself.... (more)

June 10, 2022
A letter to the editor in Minnesota published May 29, 2013
SOUTHERNMINN.COM/OWATONNA ? In a letter to the editor published May 29, 2013, in the Owatonna edition of SOUTHERNMINN.com, Bob Nesbit wrote, "The New England Primer" was the first textbook published in America for use by all schools. Prior to that 1690 book, students used the Holy Bible imported from Europe. The Primer was then used in American schools into the 1930s, over 200 years later. It contributed – perhaps more than any other book except the Bible – to America's freedom, liberty, and...institutions." He then cited some of the Bible-based contents of this vitally important influence on America's early history. A MUST-READ....... (more)

June 10, 2022
PETER LEMISKA ? Since America's inception, guns have been a part of our culture. Our inherent right to self-defense is enshrined in our Constitution. But in recent years, senseless mass killings by deranged gunmen have become almost commonplace. As a result, many Americans have come to see firearms as nothing more than instruments of mass destruction, serving no purpose but to dispense death, misery, and heartache.... (more)

June 10, 2022
'My dad respects me more than he respects anyone in the world'
ART MOORE ? President Biden has called his son Hunter the "smartest man" he knows. That could be true, but, then again, wisdom is something quite apart from native intelligence. And sage wouldn't be the best word to describe a man who has admitted to living a distinctively reckless life under the control of crack cocaine while selling access to his father to Chinese communists and Russian oligarchs.... (more)

June 10, 2022
YOUTUBE ? Hours before President Biden taped a late-night comedy interview with ABC host Jimmy Kimmel, he attempted a pratfall of his own -- tripping up the steps of Air Force One as he embarked on another day without a one-on-one interview with a journalist. Biden began his fraught ascension of the plane's stairs after declining to take questions from reporters, who grumbled during the flight to Los Angeles about Biden's lack of press availability.... (more)

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