Dear John,
The People’s Summit in Los Angeles was an incredible success* and CODEPINK was at the heart of it! We were one of the core organizers of three days of panels, workshops and culture that drew thousands of people and took over the streets of downtown L.A. Over 250 organizations from across the hemisphere came together with a message of peace, love and solidarity. We’re building off this success by announcing our campaign to target the Organization of American States (OAS). The OAS held its own “Summit of Exclusion” last week that drew condemnation for failing to invite Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. But there were others that were excluded too: Puerto Rico, Black folx calling for reparations, Indigenous people calling for Land Back, queer folkx calling for liberation, workers calling for labor rights, poor people calling for dignified lives, and of course, activists calling for peace! It’s time to move on from the OAS and replace it with a multilateral body that represents us all. The first step is to demand that our tax dollars stop being wasted on the OAS. Click here to call to defund the OAS! We relearned a huge lesson from the People’s Summit: we need to start reconnecting in person and building a big tent for peace to have a chance. It’s hard to describe how energizing and nourishing it felt to be around people organizing for peace. That same sort of vibe will fill the air of DC this weekend with the Poor People’s Campaign. CODEPINK helped convene over 55 organizations to be part of an anti-militarism contingent that will join the Poor People’s Campaign convergence on Saturday, June 18.
For those of you who can’t be with us in person, we know
you’ll be there in spirit! You can
watch the rally and hear the voices of the poor and our own Danaka
live on our Facebook page Saturday, 10am est. Or watch us
in action on Instagram
over the 4 hours of the march and
We're building an intersectional movement to Cut The Pentagon! Your support — whether it’s joining us on the streets, calling Congress or helping fund our work — always makes a difference. It’s because of your generosity that 50 young people are coming to DC this weekend on a bus from Chicago. What an energizing way to begin this Revolutionary summer. We have much more to do and as Reverend Barber says, “Forward Together, not one step back!” Towards peace, *P.S. Check out everything the CODEPINK team did at the People’s Summit. |
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