Giving Tuesday - December 3

Dear Friends,

Giving Tuesday 2019Today is #GivingTuesday, a day to donate in support of NRCAT's members who are Called to End Torture Together.

Today we emphasize the first part of this call to the nation: People of faith are called to compassion to stand with those who are abused and oppressed. Each donation to NRCAT supports people of faith who are living out a call to compassion by standing with survivors of torture, ensuring their stories are heard and not forgotten, and bearing witness to their courage.

Evangelical Christians, mainline Protestants, Roman Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Quakers, Unitarians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Baha’is, Sikhs, and Hindus are members of NRCAT and share this common call. All are working together to end torture without exception.

Your #GivingTuesday donation moves NRCAT one step closer to our end of year fundraising campaign goal of $30,000. Each #GivingTuesday contribution is doubled with our year-end challenge grant.  A gift of $15 becomes $30, $50 becomes $100, and $250 becomes $500.

Thank you for standing with us.

Rev. Ron Stief
Executive Director

PS – Share NRCAT’s message with your online community on social media: