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It turns out, we've gotten zero funding and a lot of lip service.
Dear ATNJ supporters and volunteers,

I'm just going to let it rip and lay it out to you:  I am a complete failure in securing critical funding in order for us to be sustainable.  I don't know how a 100% volunteer nonprofit organization can be sustained without a diversified portfolio of funding.  For years, I've asked the Democratic party to help us and have gotten lots of lip service on "grassroots are great" and ZERO funding - even for stamps.  Apparently our working for free for three years and my endless pleading has fallen on deaf ears.  I've been told that "we have no funding", even after they asked for my proposal for our VBM initiative.  When I read that article, I was trying hard not to be bitter.  

So, while I get upteenth emails about how much they involve grassroots and trip over their tongues saying grassroots, they have done nothing to support us, the largest grassroots coalition in the state.  We also had the largest Vote By Mail operation in the 2018 Midterms reaching nearly 300,000 voters surpassing the Democratic party.  Learning about how much they've spent on consultants when I've asked for money for stamps to mail out to volunteers to reach infrequent Democratic voters leaves me a bit bitter.

Donate $65 and get a Resist snowflake while they last.


If you have value our Weekly Newsletters, created by our phenomenal volunteer Shannon C, containing all sorts of actions that we organize, collaborate, and coordinate with others;  if you value an independent grassroots organization run and led mainly by women;  if you value every day citizens doing what they can to help our state and country, then please help on this #GivingTuesday.

It is up to small donors to support us because we know now that when they say, "Sorry, we just don't have any money to give you for stamps," it was just hogwash.  Please donate to people doing the work, making a difference, and being the change.  If this weekly Newsletter is of value to you, will you become an ATNJ Advocate at $5/month recurring?  We are reaching for 1000 Advocates.  We have 6:  it's not easy. Our average monthly donation is $12.

We have a lot of critical work that a 100% volunteer organization cannot get done with just volunteer hours.  Everyone has to pay their bills and can't spend time volunteering.  Your donations goes into paying for dedicated hours to do this work, essentially our first hires. 

The funds we raise will be used to:

- Work on Vote By Mail legislation in NJ (it was just overturned as unconstitutional due to it being an unfunded mandate). This hurts hundreds of thousands of voters AND costs the counties lots of money (therefore, taxpayers) having to manually process VBM applications.

- Educate Census 2020 focusing on the undercount in hard-to-count communities (we could lose a congressional seat and federal dollar$ due to us).

- Work on long-term sustainable economic policies that will help us all in this high-tax state (hello, property taxes!)

Pictured: Susan Lavine Coleman, ATNJ Burlington County Co-Chair; me; Rachel Green, ATNJ Civil Rights Director/Southern NJ Regional Director; Christine Elias, ATNJ Gloucester County Co-Chair (Yes, we are all volunteers!)

Only with your help can we get to our goal. 
  Thank you, as always, for your support and encouragement.

~Winn Khuong, Lead Volunteer
Founder and Executive DIrector
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