Friend, The FBI just showed up. You read that right. The FBI sent people to my home to arrest me. This is face of tyranny and government overreach. Anyone who has followed our campaign knows I am prepared to give my life fighting against this exact oppression. But let me back up. My name is Ryan Kelley. You've probably never heard of me, or at least hadn't heard of me before today when my name and picture was splashed across every news outlet in the country. Thats ok. The media and the establishment swamp have tried to pretend I don't exist, but I am now leading in the polls to be the Republican nominee for Governor in Michigan. That's right. Governor. In Michigan. A state where election fraud happened and Trump's victory was stolen...and Biden's DOJ just had me arrested.  I started this campaign for a simple reason. The government's grip on the throat of its citizenry has grown so tight as to make our republic unrecognizable. When the COVID lockdowns came to Michigan and the "vaccine passport", and "rules for thee but not for me" crowd unconstitutionally locked us in our homes and closed businesses and took away our rights--I stood up. I stood up. And this is what happens when you stand up to tyranny in Biden's America. I will never bend the knee to tyrants. I don't think you will either. There is a simple answer. We beat them. We beat them at the ballot box so badly that they can't cheat. They can't steal it. We beat them so badly that no government, no political party, no deep state operative will ever, ever forget the consequence of oppressing the will of the people and attempting to steal our God-given rights. I need your help. I need you to make a donation right now and help me fight back. I have no intention of letting up now. That they're trying to throw me in prison shows they're scared. You know what will scare them more? A war chest unrivaled in history. A war chest that says every man and woman across this country who believes in liberty and the rights of the people are standing arm-in-arm ready to defend those rights. You've probably never gotten a letter from a political prisoner, but you're getting one now. The question is: What will you do next? Will you delete this email and go back to your day waiting around for them to take away your next freedom? Maybe your second and first amendment rights next? Or will you click the link, make a donation, and be part of the true grassroots movement that is building here? I've made it clear where I stand. I will not back down. I will not stop defending OUR rights. Yours and mine. I need you to commit, right now. Click the link, make as generous a donation as you can. They want us silent. They want us on our knees. Stand up. Stand with me. Get involved right now, while there is still time. | Ryan D. Kelley, Political prisoner and candidate for Governor. | | | | | | | Paid for by Michigan for Ryan D. Kelley | 6181 Lake Michigan Drive #105, Allendale, MI, 49401 | | | | | | | Contributions to Michigan for Ryan Kelley not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions. Michigan law requires us to obtain, maintain and report the name, address, occupation and employer of each contributor who gives more than $100 in an election cycle. Michigan law limits individual contributions to Michigan for Ryan Kelley to $7,150 per election cycle. Contributions are prohibited from the treasuries of corporations, labor unions, federal government contractors, and foreign nationals without permanent residency status. | | | | | | | | | Unsubscribe from messages sponsored by Michigan for Ryan D. Kelley. Unsubscribe from all communications. Privacy Policy | | | |