Despite COVID-19 lockdowns and resource constraints, activists in 107 countries held Pride events or other events aimed at promoting LGBTIQ visibility, online or in person, in 2021. Join us on June 23 for the launch of a new OutRight report, "Visible: Pride Around the World in 2021," that examines queer movements' remarkable success and adaptability in remaining visible during times of isolation. The report focuses on seven case studies, featuring six countries in which Pride events in 2021 were new or notable – the Bahamas, Georgia, Hungary, Lithuania, Malawi and Rwanda – and one country, Ghana, in which political circumstances made it impossible to hold public-facing Pride events. It interrogates the purpose, meaning, and impact of Pride, and aims to inspire activists by sharing strategies and approaches from diverse contexts. Supported by, the report also tracks the proliferation of visibility events around the world, including a focus on countries in which Pride is celebrated outside capital cities, bursting the myth that LGBTIQ identities only exist among urban elites.