Dear John,



We Continue to Preserve Texas Values—Thanks to You!

I am sending you this letter coming out of hosting our Statewide Symposium: “Our Pro-Life Moment: 9 Month Celebration of the Texas Heartbeat Law, Dobbs Supreme Court Case & A Vision for a Post-Roe America.” and what a successful event!

It’s clear: WE ARE READY TO OVERTURN THE ROE V. WADE Abortion court case!

(With your help and donation today.)

The all-star lineup of speakers at our event included Texas Senator Bryan Hughes, the author of the Heartbeat Law; Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life; Catherine Glenn Foster, President

and CEO of Americans United for Life; and Texas Representative Shelby Slawson. There was also a video message from the Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch and numerous state organizations were included as speakers and hosted information tables as well.

A panel of pregnancy center directors from Texas shared about their experience in their centers during the past 9 months. A mom shared her experience at one of these centers by video while holding her baby on her lap. The event ended with the singing of happy birthday to the babies who are alive today as a result of the Texas Heartbeat Law.

The full event video can be accessed on our Facebook page and you can still make a donation to support the event here.

Did you know that we are celebrating our 10th anniversary later this year? A full decade where Texas Values has been instrumental in the achievement of successes for pro-life, pro-family, and religious freedom causes throughout Texas.

Through voter education, court cases, legal analysis, policy research, grassroots mobilization, and public testimony, our team’s expertise has played a vital role in religious liberties, marriage and families, and our pro-life stance.

With your help, we have:

Our Religious Freedom work includes: Protecting churches and places of worship, as well as religious organizations, from being shut down by the government such as happened during the initial period of the Covid-19 pandemic and passed a statewide Constitutional Amendment that protects religious freedom outside of the church as well (2021). We also led efforts to pass the Save Chick-Fil-A Religious Freedom Law (2019), protecting Teaching Christian Heritage in Texas History & Social Studies (2018), the Freedom to Serve Children Religious Liberty Law (2017), the Pastor Protection Law (2015), and the Merry Christmas Law (2013).

Our pro-life victories have included: cutting of taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood

and abortion-based sex education (2017 & 2019), banning dismemberment abortions (2017),

the Born Alive Infant Protection Act (2019), and of course the Texas Heartbeat Law! (2021).

• Through our Save Women’s Sports initiative (2021 & 2022), the athlete’s sex on the birth certificate nearest at birth will determine whether or not a student plays in girls sports. Based on a new law, boys won’t be allowed to play in girls sports in K-12. This is directly related to continuing our victorious work, which we started in Houston in 2015, by defeating the Houston LGBT Bathroom Ordinance at the ballot box 61% to 39%. We are already working to protect women’s sports for the college level as well!

• We have also helped secure numerous court victories at the Texas & U. S. Supreme Court.

These incredible victories are only possible because of your continued support!

We need your help to raise $400,000 by June 30th to meet our budget demands to keep saving babies and protecting freedoms. June 30th is our fiscal year-end. And as we near our fiscal year-end,we need your immediate support to ensure more victories are secured into the next decade. 

We have a matching grant up to $125,000 so every gift made will effectivley be doubled!

make a generous tax-deductible gift to help us by Midnight on June 30th and make the next 10 years of Texas Values the best ever!


We're hoping you will join us and rise to the challenge right now, John.


900 Congress Ave. Suite 220 | Austin, TX 78701 | 512.478.2220

Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Copyright © 2022 Texas Values, All rights reserved.

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