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Sent: June 16, 2022

Contact: Eduardo Carrizosa, [email protected]

Blue Dog Coalition Statement on Ocean Shipping Reform Act Becoming Law

Legislation will alleviate supply-chain problems at America’s ports 

WASHINGTON—The Co-Chairs of the Blue Dog Coalition—Reps. Tom O’Halleran (AZ-01), Ed Case (HI-01), Stephanie Murphy (FL-07), and Kurt Schrader (OR-05)—issued the following statement after the Ocean Shipping Reform Act was signed into law by President Biden today.  The Blue Dog-endorsed bill will enhance the authorities of the Federal Maritime Commission and increase transparency in order to alleviate supply-chain problems, ensure the swift flow of goods into and out of our ports, lower costs for American families, and bolster U.S. agricultural exports:  

“Backlogs at our nation’s ports are a leading driver of price hikes for American consumers. This bipartisan legislation will help address the supply-chain challenges that U.S. businesses continue to confront.  This is an important step forward in our multi-pronged effort to reduce prices for American families.”
