Reindeer on tundra

Dear John

Misery continues for reindeer

You will no doubt remember last year’s exposé when we revealed the suffering endured by reindeer at Kent Reindeer Centre. 

We continued with our investigations this year and at a repeat visit in January, found that conditions had not changed and reindeer still appeared to be in poor condition and unwell. 

The coverage of last winter’s campaign helped to see many events cancel the reindeer appearances they had planned. But unfortunately, many others went ahead using different animals instead of reindeer. 

What is even more worrying is that members of the public are still visiting these cruel events, despite the media coverage our campaign generated last year showing the reality of the misery inflicted upon these gentle animals.

We want to see an end to all animal exploitation for entertainment, at Christmas and all year round. 

Please help us to do this by supporting our undercover investigations with a donation. It is through this vital exposure that we can change public attitudes, and secure a permanent end to this practice.

Make a donation

Please donate today and help us to continue this important work. With your help, we can make reindeer events a thing of the past.

With best wishes and season's greetings,

Isobel Hutchinson