Hi John,
There is no country in the world where women enjoy the same rights or opportunities as men. Every day women and girls face violence, poverty and discrimination, simply because they are female.
What we do
Womankind Worldwide is working towards a world where every woman and girl can live free from violence and discrimination, have a say in the decisions affecting her life, and be free to know and claim her rights.
We work in partnership with women’s rights organisations and movements by providing the tools and resources they need to change the lives of women, in the home, the workplace and the communities they live in.
What are women's movements?
Women’s movements are broad social movements campaigning for women's rights at national, regional and international levels.
Women’s movements throughout history have campaigned for votes for women, protection from domestic violence, for equal pay, and against sexual harassment. Our research and experience tells us that, when women join together in movements, their voices are stronger and louder and they create long-lasting change to the lives of women and girls.
What we’ve achieved
Since we were founded in 1989, we’ve helped support more than 18 million women and girls. In 2016-2017, we directly supported 74,530 women through projects and services, from providing a safe space to escape violence to business training.
We indirectly supported more than 8.7 million women, girls, men and boys through awareness raising on women’s rights and changes to legislation, policies and practices.
Our approach
Together, with women’s rights organisations and movements, we are working towards:
1. Delivering change for women and girls
2. Supporting women’s rights movements and feminist action
3. Taking collective action at an international level
Thank you for being a part of the Womankind Worldwide community.
Caroline Haworth,
Chief Executive