Hi Friend,

I’m sure you’ve heard the news: women’s sports are under attack. 

Title IX, the landmark legislation passed by Congress in 1972, transformed sports by guaranteeing opportunities for women and girls — it increased opportunities for female athletes. Sadly, today the law is being twisted to be woke and more “inclusive.” These looming Title IX changes will deny females equal athletic opportunities and kill women’s sports.

That’s why on Thursday, June 23, the 50th anniversary of Title IX, a historic mobilization of Americans are coming together at the Our Bodies, Our Sports Rally in Washington, D.C. to celebrate female athletes and preserve single-sex athletic competition. 

Friend, if you’re within driving distance will you join us? Please recruit your friends and family near D.C. to join us, too!
WHERE: Freedom Plaza, 1325 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20004
WHEN: June 23, 2022 (Doors open at 10am EST)
WHY: Celebrate 50 years of Title IX and advocate to keep women’s sports female
At the rally, you’ll hear directly from current and former athletes, Olympians, coaches, parents, and more about what’s at stake. We’ll be mere steps from the White House and Capitol, ensuring that the administration and lawmakers hear our message loud and clear: Keep women’s sports FEMALE. 
Every person who joins us in D.C. will powerfully counter those who attempt to destroy women’s sports and tell the nation, “Our Bodies, Our Sports.” 
I hope to see you there!
