Los Angeles? Boston? San Francisco? Chicago?
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** Survey Results for our Mobile Billboard Ad Are In!
Christian Action Network asked folks like you which city we should add next o our Mobile Billboard Ad campaign that is already scheduled to run in New York City and Washington, D.C. for the week of July 4th, 2020.
Here are the results: Los Angeles 32.1%. Chicago 29.1%. San Francisco 28.4%. Boston 10.4%
Los Angeles wins by a small margin. Thanks to ALL who participated in this survey!!
So far we have raised $2,670 of our $6,000 goal to make the final payment for adding Washington, D.C. to our week-long Mobile Billboard Ad campaign in Washington, D.C for July 4th, 2020. We have already raised and fully paid the $6,000 New York City. (Praise God!)
On this GIVING TUESDAY will you help me with a tax-deductible gift to complete our purchase for Washington, D.C.?
Even a small gift of $5, $10 or $15 will help!
If you can donate ([link removed]) $25 or more, I'll send you my book, "You Are Chosen! Prepare to Triumph in a Fallen World." This 174-page book focuses on the tools necessary for every Christian to stand firm and scatter the enemies of Christ. As a Christian warrior you can put on the full armor of God and be triumphant in this fallen world. It's time to fight back!
Once I finish raising the funds for Washington D.C., I'll start working on adding Los Angeles next!
Thank you for any gift you can provide.
God bless you and let's take back America for Christ!
President and Founder
Christian Action Network
** Take the Christian Nation Pledge! ([link removed])
I'm looking for ONE MILLION pledged signers before I run our 20'x10' mobile truck ad in New York City on July 4, 2020. Please sign today! ** Go here. ([link removed])
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29 Years Defending Pro-Family Values
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