New Congressional District Maps for NY-14
Last month, a state court formally approved New York’s new congressional map, which means that New York’s 14th congressional district has had its lines redrawn. Historically, NY-14 has included parts of Eastern Bronx and Western Queens. If you currently live within NY-14, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez will continue to represent you through the end of the year. Beginning next year, the borders of our district will have shifted. Pending any further challenges, the maps are likely finalized.
Service Academy Applications Now Open
Service Academy nomination applications are due on November 1st. Representative Ocasio-Cortez may nominate candidates for appointment to all the military service academies except for the Coast Guard Academy, which does not require a congressional appointment. To request a Service Academy Nomination, please complete a nomination file. Find more information on our website.
Apply to work with our office!
We’re hiring for a Temporary Bronx Field Representative & Constituent Liaison. Our office provides a competitive benefits package that includes health insurance, dental, federal student loan payment (terms apply), and paid family leave. People with ties to NY-14, and/or people from BIPOC, LGBT+, working class, or other underrepresented communities are strongly encouraged to apply here.