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Dear John,

There are moments in our lives that we will never forget – and moments that transform lives:

When a nurse offers a survivor confidential help to leave an abusive relationship or when a teacher asks a child who may be a survivor of abuse at home, “What happened?, “ not “What’s wrong with you?”

For more than 35 years, Futures Without Violence has been working to bring survivors transformative moments and unwavering support to all aspects of their lives: in the home, at school, in the community, and at work.

And today we need your help.

This moment is about the power you have to transform lives. Our work is 100% reliant on contributions from others, and I write today to ask that you make a donation.


Through the end of Giving Tuesday, December 3rd, a generous donor will match your gift 1-to-1* and double its impact.

Our work is having incredible impact. With partners, we have helped to decrease rates of domestic violence in the U.S. in recent years by 60%, and we need your help today to continue this life-changing work.

Please make a gift today to help survivors heal and prevent violence before it happens.

With heartfelt thanks,

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Esta Soler

Founder and President

P.S. A gift at any level helps!

  • $25 can help us equip a high school athletics coach with the tools they need to teach their athletes respect, healthy relationships, and non-violence.
  • $50 can help us provide support and resources to health care workers and violence prevention advocates on the frontlines of responding to domestic violence, sexual assault, and abuse.
  • $100 can help us provide workplaces with resources to address and prevent sexual harassment and sexual assault, especially in support of women in low-wage jobs.

*Gifts will be matched 1-to-1 up to a goal of $5,000.

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100 Montgomery Street, The Presidio
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