

Fellow Patriot-

As we await to find out if indeed the High Court intends to overturn Roe v. Wade, Democrats like Darren Soto are mobilizing the radical left to try and intimidate lawmakers and honorable Justices from doing their jobs.

Time has long past for us to sit idly by and watch as they continue to try and impose their extreme agenda onto us.

We need to send a LOUD and CLEAR message that the pro-life movement is alive and well and we are not going anywhere. Now is the moment for the tides to turn. For history to be corrected.

What kind of nation do you want to be moving forward? One that comes alongside women in their most vulnerable and defend life or a country that does nothing and leaves the unborn defenseless?

If I know one thing it is this: true Conservative Patriots like you and me want to see our nation make the RIGHT choice.

I’m calling on all Conservatives to join me in this fight against the left by donating to our movement and sending a strong #AmericaFirst Central Florida Patriot to Washington to protect and defend LIFE!


Thank you,
Team Scotty Moore for Congress

Paid for by Scotty Moore for Congress