The government must recognise clean air as a human right. Air pollution kills ten of thousands of people in the UK every year, speeds up climate change and is a major contributor to the biodiversity crisis.



Air pollution is one of the biggest health hazards and environmental threats of our time.


It kills tens of thousands of people in the UK every year, speeds up climate change and is a major contributor to the biodiversity crisis.


It affects everyone in the UK but it affects the vulnerable - the young, the old, those with pre-existing health conditions - most.


Almost every single home suffers from air pollution well above safe levels. Yet there are stark disparities in air quality between the wealthiest and most deprived areas.


Air pollution disproportionately affects those least responsible for causing it – disadvantaged and minority ethnic communities.


Jenny Jones Clean Air Bill aims to protect people against air pollution by enshrining the right to clean air precisely and explicitly in UK law.


It is named Ella’s Law as a tribute to nine-year-old Ella Kissi-Debrah who died from asthma in 2013 and was the first person in the UK to have air pollution listed as cause of death.


Can you donate today to help us force a reluctant Government to recognise clean air as a human right, take action and clean up the dirty air?

Thanks for your support.


The Green Party