From Rita Bosworth, Sister District Project <>
Subject What you can do TODAY to help elect Democrats in 2020
Date December 3, 2019 1:00 PM
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Dear John,

Sister District held nothing back in 2019―and we have the results to show for it! A Democratic trifecta in Virginia ahead of redistricting. A state House seat flipped blue in deep red Mississippi. An expanding network of dedicated volunteers across the country.

But 2019 was just the warm-up for what will be the most important electoral year of our lives.

In 2020, Sister District plans to support THREE TIMES as many Democrats running for key state legislative seats. But if we want to keep our momentum going into next year and triple our impact, we also need to triple our funding.

Will you contribute $10, $25, $50 or any amount to the Sister District 2020 Fund today to help us replenish our resources and hit the ground running in 2020? ([link removed][UNIQID]) Candidate filing deadlines begin as early as this month in some states, so we need to be prepared to mobilize immediately.
Support Our 2020 Fund ([link removed][UNIQID])

When you support the Sister District 2020 Fund, your gift will go to work right away to:
* Add 2 new field organizers to recruit volunteers and grow teams in 9 key states;
* Train team leaders in organizing tactics at our District Captain Summit;
* Provide essential campaign services to our earliest candidates and their staff;
* Expand our technology infrastructure to more fully support our rapid growth.

And by donating now, you will help our team plan ahead for the rest of 2020. Your early gift toward our 2020 work will help us determine how many candidates we can endorse next year and shift our attention from fundraising to organizing during critical election months.

Since the 2016 election, we have all had our sights on 2020 as our chance to turn things back around for Democrats. Now, that moment is here. Will you join the fight to turn states blue by contributing to the Sister District 2020 Fund today? ([link removed][UNIQID])

Rita Bosworth
Executive Director

PS - We have the playbook for Democrats to win big in 2020―now we just need the resources to implement it. Will you chip in today to help get our 2020 plans off the ground ASAP? ([link removed][UNIQID])

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Sister District Project
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