Good morning, John,

For the first time in more than 25 years, a bipartisan group of legislators in the United States Senate has agreed on a framework for policy solutions to prevent gun violence. Republicans willingness to admit (finally!) that there are legislative solutions to gun violence is, in itself, a huge win, and we applaud them for taking these first modest steps.

We are cautiously optimistic and will be keeping a close eye on what is actually written into the bill(s).

At the same time, we need to warn you that we are truly worried. Even as Congress appears poised to take us in the right direction, we could face severe setbacks by the Supreme Court's impending decision in the case of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen. 

Whenever that decision comes, we will be ready to help explain what it will mean for all of us. Former U.S. Attorney of the Eastern District of Wisconsin, James Santelle, is standing by and ready to help us understand the implications of the ruling. As soon as the court justices announce their decision, Jim will read and analyze the decision. That evening, he will present to WAVE supporters, like you, exactly what the ruling says and what it means for our future. Keep an eye out for an invite once the decision is made!

See you soon,



WAVE Educational Fund
PO Box 170393 | Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217
414-351-9283 | [email protected]

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