
We see the tiniest of cracks in the wall of opposition we’ve experienced for decades. Light is finally shining through. Ten Senate Democrats and ten Senate Republicans met to broker a bipartisan framework for gun reform. This modest proposal is a starting point toward more action and debate at the federal level, and we cannot let this opportunity pass us.

Contact Senator Toomey and Senator Casey now. We believe both will support the proposal, but we cannot leave anything to chance.

Here’s what the framework would do:

  • The federal government would provide grants to states, to empower state governments to create Extreme Risk Protection Orders (also known as red flag laws).
  • The dating partner loophole would be closed nationally, meaning that when a person is convicted of abuse, they will be barred from access to guns, whether that person was their married spouse or just someone they had been dating.
  • Gun purchasers ages 18-21 would go through a more comprehensive background check when purchasing a long gun.
  • It would make addressing straw purchasers (those who buy guns on behalf of those who are prohibited) and gun trafficking a higher priority.

We know as well as you do that this is the beginning of the work, but it is progress, and the only way we get the next law and the next bit of progress is to pass this into law first.

Contact Senator Toomey and Senator Casey to tell them to support it. We have to get this done quickly and then we have to keep pushing.

Adam Garber



P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
215-923-3151 | [email protected]

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