I have to show you this one.
Like I’ve said, John, I actually *live* in PA.
Dr. Oz, on the other hand, does not.
He’s basically like:

I mean… my dude couldn’t even spell his own “hometown” (doing my best air quotes as I write this).
It’s HuntingDON Valley, not HuntingTON Valley.

Remember there was another Hollywood/celebrity rich guy who everyone discounted… Donald Trump. And he won Pennsylvania his first go around.
I fully expect this — and most pundits do too — to be the most competitive Senate race in the country. So when I ask for your donations, it’s because EVERYTHING is on the line: Control of the U.S. Senate + abortion rights + our democracy.
Will you help us compete head-to-head with Dr. Oz and win by making a $5 donation?
Contribute $5
If Dr. Oz outspends us 5-to-1, it may not matter that he’s an epically bad candidate. The Republicans and Oz are going to attack us with everything they’ve got. We need to have the resources to get our own message out. And you’re a big part of that, John.
Thanks for all your help.
John Fetterman
Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania
PS I had to share this one too