I hope you’ll forgive me for being so frank, but a report from my finance team left me feeling worried: We’re still $4,925 short of what we need to raise before our crucial mid-month fundraising deadline.

Friend, I am respectfully asking for your donation to get us back on track.

As you well know, Mitch McConnell only needs to flip a single Democratic seat to retake control of the Senate. McConnell, Donald Trump, and the Republican right-wing, dark-money donors have already raised tens of millions of dollars to make it happen. On top of that, the Republican Party opened its first national campaign office here in Connecticut in 15 years – signaling their hopes for shifting political grounds to put Democrats at risk this fall.

That’s why our campaign is gearing up for a tough fight – and why we urgently need grassroots resources. Protecting this seat and combating the GOP’s megadonors is absolutely crucial to protecting the Senate’s sanity. It’s why Republicans are banking on our campaign missing these goals and being under-resourced. But, Friend, I know engaged supporters like you aren’t about to let that happen.

I would be so grateful if you helped me show the strength of this campaign. If you and everybody reading this email chipped in just $5 or more, we’d make up our fundraising shortfall in mere seconds. Will you please rush a contribution to ensure that we protect this seat and keep control of the Senate?

Here’s the best link: https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/blumenthal-email

Thank you,


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