Read the new Cato book on NATO. The second amendment returns to SCOTUS. Upcoming event on rethinking conventional views of substance use.
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December 3, 2019
NATO: The Dangerous Dinosaur Cover ([link removed] )
NATO: The Dangerous Dinosaur ([link removed] )
The 2019 NATO summit has started. Donald Trump’s presidency has triggered a growing debate on both sides of the Atlantic about the future of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and U.S. policy regarding the alliance. In the new Cato book NATO: The Dangerous Dinosaur, Ted Galen Carpenter outlines how NATO in its current form has outlived its purpose, and burden sharing is only part of the problem. Continuing to expand NATO eastward, encroaching on Russia, will only endanger the alliance.
- NATO: The Dangerous Dinosaur ([link removed] )
Supreme Court ([link removed] )
The Second Amendment Returns to SCOTUS ([link removed] )
Will the Supreme Court swing for the fences or whiff in the latest Second Amendment case?
- The Second Amendment Returns to SCOTUS ([link removed] )
By Clark Neily
Opioid ([link removed] )
Is It the Drug? Rethinking Conventional Views of Substance Use, Abuse, and Addiction ([link removed] )
The disease model of drug addiction takes the view that the addict’s brain has been “hijacked” — that the addict has lost autonomy and self-control and has effectively become a zombie who is controlled by the drug. This model of understanding nonmedical drug use informs modern public policy, leading to policies that criminalize drug use and treat addicts with punishment and coerced treatment. On December 5th listen to a distinguished panel of experts discuss a more sophisticated and nuanced understanding of substance use and addiction that can produce public policy alternatives.
- Upcoming Event: Is It the Drug? Rethinking Conventional Views of Substance Use, Abuse, and Addiction ([link removed] )
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