Sometimes I think about the questionnaire at my six-week postpartum checkup to screen for PPD. I appreciated the check-in, but at the same time, I wanted to laugh at how clearly I could identify the “right” answers, and how totally that sheet of paper failed to capture the fact that a newborn is basically an asteroid that hits your life as you know it – and six weeks is just the beginning.
Today, Amanda Schupak has a very raw, very honest piece about how she braced herself for the classic PPD symptoms, then found herself caught off guard by the sheer rage she felt when she hit the toddler years: “I could feel it rising, burning the backs of my eyes, tightening my scalp, but I was powerless to stop the deluge. It was like standing in front of a tidal wave and watching it crash down on me.” Being a journalist, she went looking for answers – give a read and see if what she learned sounds familiar.
— Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor |