Last week, another extreme Republican entered the Kentucky governor's race. This candidate has spent years in the state legislature attacking Andy and lying about his record.


Last week, another extreme Republican entered the Kentucky governor's race. This candidate has spent years in the state legislature attacking Andy and lying about his record.

Andy is now up against FOUR Republican opponents who have made it clear they will spend and say whatever it takes to defeat him in 2023.

The latest candidate to enter the Republican primary — which gets more extreme every week — is aligned with the radical extremists that hung the governor in effigy two years ago, and has a history of social media posts that have been described as “racist and religiously intolerant.”

We know we're in for another tough race, so we need to prepare for what's ahead.

Will you chip in $5 or more right away to help Andy take on his extreme Republican opponents and keep him fighting for us in Frankfort? Every dollar counts as we make early investments to build a winning campaign, so please chip in any amount that works for you today →

In 2019, Andy won the governorship by just over 5,000 votes because this campaign got his message out to every corner of our Commonwealth. We knocked on doors across Kentucky and talked to folks about what they wanted to see from their governor – and Andy has delivered.

Listen – we knew the attacks were coming, but with four Republican opponents in the race, it's only a matter of time before outside money floods Kentucky again to try to defeat Andy.

But we know how to win, and we're counting on your support to ensure Andy can continue making progress for the Commonwealth.

Can we count on you to chip in today to help us prepare for what's ahead? You can donate at this link:

Grateful to have you on our team,

Team Beshear



Andy is fighting to make the Bluegrass State the best place it can be for generations to come, and he needs you on board. Will you chip in today to Andy's re-election campaign?






Andy Beshear for Governor
PO Box 4278
Louisville, KY 40204
United States
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