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Dear Friend,

By now you have heard that the Edward M. Kennedy Institute, in partnership with the Bipartisan Policy Center and the Orrin G. Hatch Foundation, has launched a new initiative called The Senate Project. The Senate Project is a series of Oxford-style debates between leading U.S. senators with a goal of reintroducing the culture of seeking common ground and consensus that has been the essence of the Senate since it was conceived in 1789. 

The first debate in the series was held in the Kennedy Institute’s own replica Senate Chamber this past Monday, June 13th between Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT). The topic chosen for the debate was the economy. Much of the conversation focused on issues that are top-of-mind for voters, such as gas prices and inflation, but they also touched on healthcare, social security, immigration, and guns. You can watch a recording of the full debate here.
The launch of this series aimed at restoring healthy bipartisan debate and consensus building in the Senate is fitting for this year, as the Kennedy Institute commemorates 60 years since Senator Kennedy began his 47-year tenure in the Senate. Throughout the year, we will be honoring and highlighting his service and legacy through a variety of programs. The Senate Project honors Senator Kennedy's commitment to bipartisan compromise when and where possible in seeking solutions and positive results for all Americans.

The Senator once said “I hope for an America where we can all contend freely and vigorously, but where we will treasure and guard those standards of civility.” (10/3/69). 
Generous support from our members and donors allows us to continue offering programs like The Senate Project along with our facilitated civic education programs. Since our opening in 2015, we have engaged more than a hundred thousand students in learning how our government works and practicing the skills of listening, compromise, and healthy debate that are needed to productively participate in our democracy. We hope you will consider making a gift or becoming a member today to support these important programs.
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