We just got bad news from our organizers in Wisconsin about the fate of the Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) – a bipartisan body that protects state elections from partisan influence. For the last two years, Commission members have come under attack for defending the results of the 2020 elections, and the pressure has gotten so extreme that one of the Commissioners just resigned.
This resignation means that a more partisan person – who is willing to bend to party pressure – will take the spot, putting future elections at risk of being overturned. And this kind of manipulation of our election system isn’t just happening in my home state, it’s happening in states across the country – maybe even yours.
RepresentUs is working directly with organizers on the ground in key battleground states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania to fight back against these attacks on free and secure elections, and we need your help. Will you stand side by side with dedicated public servants in Wisconsin and across the country by joining the Common Wealth with a monthly gift?

When you join by June 30, your commitment each month will ensure RepresentUs has the resources we need to spring into action when anti-democracy forces launch new attacks in these final months leading up to Election Day.
Since 2020, authoritarians have been subtly (and sometimes not-so-subtly) manipulating our elections to swing entire states into the hands of like-minded extremists. Their playbook is simple:
Step 1: Spread disinformation and lies to sow distrust in our elections. Step 2: Bully, harass, and even physically threaten election workers until they resign. Step 3: Replace honest, nonpartian election workers with handpicked authoritarians. Step 4: Refuse to certify elections when they don’t like the results. |
When election officials can be pressured out of their positions by anti-democracy forces, it puts our entire democracy under threat. We know they’re only getting started as we enter the final months leading up to the 2022 elections, but with the Common Wealth behind us, I know we’ll be ready.
I hope you’ll join this incredible community by starting a monthly gift by June 30. We must be ready to scale our response in as many states as necessary to defend our democracy, and we’re counting on you to help us do it.
Let’s get to work,
Amanda Pustz Protect Wisconsin Elections State Director RepresentUs  |