10,000 SIGNATURES NEEDED BY 11:59 PM: Sign now to demand Congress ban assault weapons >>


John - a group of senators released an agreement this weekend on gun control →

But this legislation doesn’t go far enough, so President Biden is calling for an outright ban on assault weapons→

We’re gathering 10,000 signatures for our petition demanding Congress to ban assault weapons. ADD YOUR NAME NOW >>


When America had an assault weapons ban from 1994-2004, mass shootings dropped by over 40%.

But after Republicans let this legislation expire in 2004, mass shootings rose by 183%.

We need Congress to act immediately to pass an assault weapons ban. We cannot become numb to this epidemic that is plaguing our nation.

So, we’re collecting 10,000 signatures for our petition demanding Congress to ban assault weapons. Please add your name now >>

This is so important,


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Sacramento, CA 95811
United States