Reminding the Chief Justice of his own words
Our brief will try to put Chief Justice John Roberts back on the right track. We'll do this by pointing to his opinion in National Federation of Independent Businesses v. Sebelius (2012).
In that ruling, Roberts argued powerfully that the Commerce Clause doesn't require citizens to purchase a given product. Congress cannot, for example, order everyone to buy vegetables to improve their diets. In fact, people often fail to do what's good for them. And, that will affect interstate commerce! So what? If that was a sufficient basis to permit any government action, it would obviously ignore the Framer's vision for the country.
The Chief Justice was right in that case, and he needs to bring the same profound logic to this related issue.
Help us make these arguments to the Supreme Court!
Remember,, Inc and Downsize DC Foundation filed an amicus brief in the OSHA aspect of this case (in December). And we won!
Now, we're requesting your support via Downsize DC Foundation's "Zero Aggression Project." By using the ZAP form, your donation can be tax-deductible.
Please contribute to help us file another brief in the CMS portion of this case. Every contribution, of any size, helps – so we're looking for about 30 donors.
But we want you to be aware that pledges help us take on more cases, and each time we do this, we really need a $500, $1,000, or more donor.