Dear John,
At this very moment, kids in your neighborhood are waking up, getting dressed and heading to school. For kids living with hunger, the breakfast they'll get at school might be the first meal they've had since lunch yesterday.
John, 1 in 7 children in America lives with hunger. You can help give them the food they need.
Today only, your gift will be matched by our friends at Citi, up to $100,000. Will you help us meet our Giving Tuesday goal and double your impact for hungry kids?
Every $10 you donate can normally help provide up to 100 meals for kids in need. But thanks to this very special match, $10 can provide up to 200 meals!
John, this opportunity is too important to miss — especially as proposed changes to government meals programs would make it even harder for kids to get the food they need.
Thanks to supporters like you, we already have amazing breakfast, afterschool meals and summer meals programs in place, but we need to make sure they are stronger than ever in the year ahead. Even one hungry child is too many.
We can’t — and won’t — rest until every child in America gets the three meals a day they deserve.
Donate today and match your gift.
With deep appreciation for all you do,

Amy Zganjar Team No Kid Hungry
P.S.: Please don’t let this match pass you by. Act by 11:59 PM tonight for your gift to matched and provide twice as many meals to kids in need. Thank you for caring!