John, No one who is going to the grocery store, their place of worship, the movie theater, or their school should have to worry about being gunned down by someone who should never have owned a gun in the first place.


No one who is going to the grocery store, their place of worship, the movie theater, or their school should have to worry about being gunned down by someone who should never have owned a gun in the first place.

But in a nation where 110 people lose their lives to gun violence every day and more than 200 are shot and wounded, that is the bleak reality we face.

DFL lawmakers have fought hard to pass common-sense “red flag” and background check gun safety laws. But every time, the bills have been blocked by Republicans who are too afraid to stand up to the NRA and do the right thing. It’s disgraceful.

John, enough is enough. We can’t afford to let another senseless tragedy without taking action as the gun violence epidemic rages on, claiming lives and devastating families across our state and country.

With legislators in their home districts for the summer, we’re asking you to help us make an undeniable statement about the overwhelming support in Minnesota for common-sense gun safety measures.

Our goal is to collect 5,000 signatures by tomorrow night. Will you join us to demand action on gun violence? Add your name to be counted today.

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Thank you,

Minnesota DFL

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DFL Victory Club

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Your monthly sustaining contribution will help us fight for fair maps during 2022 redistricting, re-elect Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan in 2022, and turn our Minnesota legislature from purple to solid blue.