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From the hills and valleys of small towns in the U.S.A. to the bright lights and diverse, urban cultures of the Washington Metropolitan Area, scores of folks will converge here June 16 through June 20, 2022, for a maiden, unified Juneteenth Celebration. The Metro Council has voted to support this celebration; please share this information widely.

This landmark week of commemorative, educational and arts and cultural events in recognition of the Emancipation of enslaved African Americans in 1865, is a collaboration of the National Juneteenth Observance Foundation, the African American Civil War Museum, Juneteenth on Georgia Avenue and a number of other national and DMV civic groups and organizations. A snapshot of the week’s activities is listed here.

For more details on these upcoming Juneteenth 2022 events and the National Juneteenth Calendar, visit the National Juneteenth Observance Foundation website.

June 16--People’s Musical Network, A virtual, inclusive musical ode to Juneteenth. YouTube Live, 7:00 PM.  

►    June 17--Prayer Breakfast, National Press Club, 7:00 AM. Sponsored by NJOF, Advocates 4 History, Special Presentation, Cardoza High School, 12:00 noon – 1:00 PM Must be on Pre-registered guest list to enter DCPS building. ATTENDANCE LIMITED
Wreath Laying, Flag Raising and Ice Cream Social, Lincoln Park, 12 PM. 
Art Exhibit, Abstract and Black Art, Woodbridge Neighborhood Library, Meeting, Room 1 2:30 PM. – 5:30 PM
Open Mic Night, Art of Noize, 6:00 PM.
►    June 18--Mass Poor People’s & Low Wage Workers Assembly and Moral March on Washington, 3rd & Pennsylvania Ave., NW, 9:00 AM. 
Juneteenth Scholars Celebration, 10:00 AM. See Eventbrite for details of this virtual event

►    June 19--Juneteenth and Father’s Day in the USA!!! 
Posting of General Order #3 on Church Doors throughout the DMV and throughout the USA and the world, 8:00 AM.  
Church of the Epiphany, Juneteenth Poem and Special Juneteenth Worship Service, 8:00 AM. 
Greetings, Black Fathers Motorcade and Black Male Health Clinic, African American Civil War Museum (AACWM plaza), 10:30 AM. 
History, Heritage and Holiday, a Virtual Lecture with Historian C. R. Gibbs. (Questions and Answers will follow the lecture.) 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM.
Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition, Juneteenth Celebration,  2 PM at Macedonia Baptist Church - 5119 River Road, Bethesda, Maryland
►     June 20 – Federal Holiday and Observance of Juneteenth  
Preserving and Telling the Stories of the US Colored Troops Involvement in the American Civil War (AACWM plaza) 11:00 A.M. 
Bivouac on WDC, Assembly and March from the AACWM plaza to Howard University’s Main Yard. 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM. 
Flag Raising, Speakers and Music, Howard University Main Yard, 3:00 PM.

For more details on these upcoming Juneteenth 2022 events and the National Juneteenth Calendar, visit the National Juneteenth Observance Foundation website.

Thomas Blanton, Blanton & Associates, Inc. [email protected] 
Angela Whitehurst [email protected]  
Ginia Avery [email protected]

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