Please allow me to explain...

Dear Friend,
Thank you to everyone who took rapid action against the Dept. of Veterans Affairs’ spine-crushing primate labs in California. Our team is working hard in Washington to cut the payouts to these mad white coats and retire the survivors.
I also want to take a moment to address something else. Several folks emailed in to let us know they found the high volume of emails we sent before our funding deadline offensive.
If we offended you, I’m very sorry – that certainly wasn’t the intention. We’re still a start-up organization, and unlike most other, established non-profits out there, we depend heavily on our grassroots supporters to fund our work.
Over the last few years, we’ve found that email is the quickest and most cost-effective way to raise the funding needed to sustain — and WIN — all of our campaigns to stop taxpayer-funded animal testing.
In fact, White Coat Waste Project (WCW) is the ONLY group to shut down a monkey lab in over half a decade!
We don’t waste your money on expensive Hollywood fundraisers, flush with wealthy celebrities on the red carpet, gaudy ice sculptures, and pricey bottles of Cristal.
We rely on email fundraising. It’s how we pay for our investigative research, media, advertising, litigation, and lobbying. It’s how WCW finances our winning campaigns. And it’s how we kept our doors open during the pandemic.
As you know, inflation has been tough on small groups like WCW. Unlike many of the big, well-funded charities with huge endowments, we didn’t get an SBA-PPP loan.
That’s right. We didn’t take one dime of bailout money from the government.
The majority of our efforts — well over 66% — are continuously funded by outraged taxpayers, liberty lovers, and animal lovers like you who give in response to our fundraising emails. Our average gift last month was just $19.25!
And as a group who exposes wasteful government spending, it’s extremely important to us that we don’t waste your money either. We carefully budget each campaign down to the cent.
So when we send you a bunch of emails asking for donations, it’s not because we aren’t grateful for what you’ve done already – we are incredibly, INCREDIBLY grateful, Friend! It’s because we just don’t have enough money on hand for the extra battle we’re trying to fight.
And we have lots of battles to fight. We’re David battling Goliath. The federal government funds a $20 billion taxpayer-funded animal testing machine… that’s 100 million victims every year!
Look at it this way, we have two choices:
- Cut down the # of campaigns we work on at one time (that means we save fewer animals and fewer tax dollars), or
- Suck it up and be aggressive (ok, shameless) about fundraising. I think it’s obvious which one we choose
Anyway, I want to make sure you understand the context behind our email fundraising strategy. It’s annoying … but it literally saves lives. We really, really appreciate you Taxpayer. So do the animals. Please know that.
So thanks again for your continued support. My team will keep you posted on our efforts!
Anthony Bellotti
President & Founder
White Coat Waste Project
P.S. Have you watched our new NIH Hamster Fight Club video investigation yet? It's as wasteful as it sounds. Apparently, these big-spending government white coats didn’t get the memo about inflation. Stop the money. Stop the madness!

When we recently started seeing media headlines like “Gene-editing experiment turns cute hamsters into ‘aggressive’ beasts,” we knew that only taxpayer-funded white coats and government bureaucrats would conceive of (and bankroll) such wacky waste and animal abuse.
Sure enough, we were right — and we have the receipts. And now, thanks to a new White Coat Waste Project (WCW) investigation, we have the videos too...