The times are testing whether democracy and the rule of law, which are under the most ferocious, and sustained assault, will survive. We ask readers for their support once a year. If you like what we do, this is the time to support xxxxxx.


The times are testing whether democracy and the rule of law, which are under the most ferocious, and sustained assault, will survive. We ask readers for their support once a year. If you like what we do, this is the time to support xxxxxx.



Dear xxxxxx reader,

These are truly times that try our souls.

The times are testing whether democracy and the rule of law, which are under the most ferocious and sustained assault in generations, will survive.

Our work at xxxxxx is to sustain our souls in these trying times. Every day we search the Internet for useful and truthful reporting, incisive argument, uplifting humor, what's new and critical in film, books and poetry. Every day, we share the best that we find with you.

As you probably know, we moderators of xxxxxx work on an entirely volunteer basis. We work with the same motivation that powers the grassroots of every movement for radical change. We're a movement project, with no ties to corporate money - or any party or organization, for that matter. It’s you and us.

We pledge to keep doing what we've been doing. We ask you to help us by donating to keep our servers running and our website current. So, on Giving Tuesday, consider xxxxxx as part of the not-for-profits that are deserving of your support.

We hope you keep up with our posts every day, covering news, politics, culture, labor and much more. Please let your friends and colleagues know about xxxxxx, and that they can sign up for free here:

We've been providing the xxxxxx service for going on 20 years, and we are delighted with the thousands of new readers who've joined us, the new media technologies we've been able to deploy and the additional moderators who are dedicated to serving as your eyes and ears in the digital universe. xxxxxx readers are partners in this project, providing recommendations for possible posts, reactions, comments and information. Please keep sending these to either [email protected] or reader comments.

So please make a contribution to keep this project going. We promise to make every donation go a long way toward the future we seek together. We only ask readers for their support once a year. If you like what we do, this is the time to support xxxxxx.

Yours in struggle,

The entire xxxxxx crew

Mark Allen, Judy Atkins, Mark Brody, Peter N. Carroll, Barry Cohen, David Cohen, Ira Cohen, Jeannette Ferrary, Marti Garza, Greg Heires, Michael Hirsch, Geoffrey Jacques, Will Jones, Maureen La Mar, Stephanie Luce, Ray Markey, Leanna Noble, John P. Pittman, Natalie Reuss, Nan Rubin, Meredith Schafer, Jay Schaffner, Kurt Stand, Ethan Young

Checks should be made payable to xxxxxx and sent to:


355 Eighth Avenue #1J

New York, NY 10001-4839



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