From the New York Times: “Senators Reach Bipartisan Deal on Gun Safety”

Senator Murphy: We are announcing a common-sense, bipartisan proposal to protect America’s children, keep our schools safe and reduce the threat of violence across our country

Please , sign your name to our petition now to FORCE Republicans to pass the bipartisan gun reform bill:

Add your name: Pass the bipartisan gun reform bill >>


The Senate just agreed on a much-needed gun reform package that has support from Republicans like Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, and even Lindsey Graham.

We know that there is more that needs to be done, but President Biden is DEMANDING that Republicans uphold their agreement and pass this as soon as possible.

President Biden: The sooner it comes to my desk, the sooner I can sign it, and the sooner we can use these measures to save lives.

This is a major step in the fight towards more comprehensive gun reform and we need enough signatures to demand that Republicans agree to pass this as soon as possible.

Force Republicans to pass the bipartisan gun reform bill as soon as possible. Add your name now >>

Add your name: Pass the bipartisan gun reform bill >>

We can’t afford to wait.


Thank you for supporting March On PAC, Friend. Our women-led team worked day and night to power Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to a historic win and flipped Georgia and the Senate BLUE!

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This year is critical for our democracy. To stop a full-on Republican assualt, we must hold our House majority, save our Senate majority and take back control of state houses to ensure our nation represents the voices of all.

Remember: a single Senate seat or just a handful of House seats could decide the remaining years of Biden's presidency and the progressive agenda we fought so hard for. We CANNOT afford to lose!

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