MA: Call to Action Regarding LAPRA Medical and LAPPL Delta Dental Coverage Dear Members, YOUR retired medical/dental coverage and benefits are up for discussion at the Los Angeles Fire & Police Pension Commission meeting. This discussion could lead to the replacement of LAPRA and LAPPL plans. This URGENT message from Los Angeles Police Relief Association and Los Angeles Police Protective League is to notify all of you, our members and qualified survivors of a critical issue concerning your LAPRA/LAPPL Coverage. On the June 16th, 2022, Los Angeles Fire and Police Pension Commission meeting agenda, (LAFPP) staff has placed agenda item #C7 asking for approval to seek requests for proposal (RFP) for other companies to take over insuring your retiree healthcare benefits, which would result in removing LAPRA and LAPPL Delta Dental. The Fire & Police Pension Commission has nine voting members. Five appointed by the mayor and four elected by the membership. When the five Mayoral appointees vote in lockstep (as they usually do), they always get their way. The Pension Department would like to hire a company, other than LAPRA or LAPPL, to allegedly save money. The truth is that the Pension Department knows that a replacement insurance company won’t fight for your rights like LAPRA and LAPPL does. The only way they can save money is by reducing your benefits and/or increasing your co-pays and deductibles and the Los Angeles Police Relief and Los Angeles Police Protective League will be out of the picture. Who will defend your interests if LAPRA and LAPPL is gone? Would you trust an insurance company hired by LAFPP to do that? LAPRA and LAPPL Delta Dental has been participating in the health/dental subsidy program for the last 47 years and providing excellent medical and dental coverage to members and survivors for over 60 years. As this agenda item states, “In March 1975, an ordinance was passed creating the health subsidy program for LAFPP retirees. At the time the ordinance was passed, LAPRA, LAFRA, and UFLAC were already providing health insurance plans to LAFPP retirees.” Your ability to continue with your LAPRA medical/LAPPL dental plans and advocate is in the hands of the LAFPP Board of Commissioners. In 2017 your voices and emails made a difference. The LAPPL Board of Directors are once again asking active and retirees to act by either calling in, attending the meeting, or sending emails to all the pension commissioners. Make your voices heard before Thursday June 16 at 0830 Hours. 1. Call into the meeting and voice your opinion. Dial (669) 900-9128, Zoom meeting ID # is 865-1241-3181. If you want your voice to be heard, you will have the ability to make public comments at the beginning of the meeting by hitting *6. 2. Attend the meeting at 701 E. 3rd St, Suite 200 Los Angeles CA, 90013. Be sure to wear a mask, provide proof of vaccine and bring your police ID. 3. If you want to express your concerns regarding the personal impact of changing your medical benefits, you can send an e-mail to the LAFPP Board Pendleton, Brian
[email protected] Buzzell, Ken
[email protected] Ambriz, Andrea
[email protected] Churchill, Brian
[email protected] Navarro, Ruben
[email protected] Parekh, Sumi
[email protected] Salimpour, Pedram
[email protected] Zimmon, Garrett
[email protected] Again, this issue is URGENT, the quality and care you receive through the LAPRA and LAPPL plans are at serious risk! You need act to protect your right to coverage through LAPRA and LAPPL. We ask that if you choose to share your personal feelings with the Pension Board, please do so in a respectful and professional manner. If you have any questions, contact Director Corina Lee at 213-792-1089 and/or Director Joe Massie at (213) 549-2320. Very truly yours, BOARD OF DIRECTORS Los Angeles Police Protective League About the LAPPL Formed in 1923, the Los Angeles Police Protective League (LAPPL) represents the more than 9,900 dedicated and professional sworn members of the Los Angeles Police Department. The LAPPL serves to advance the interests of LAPD officers through legislative and legal advocacy, political action and education. The LAPPL can be found on the Web at LA Police Protective League | 1308 West Eighth Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017 Unsubscribe
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