Dear Freedom Lover,

Mitch McConnell just announced he supports Joe Biden’s gun control bill.

Support for the 2nd amendment in the U.S. Senate is disintegrating.

Here’s what I know:

Apparently, the decision has just been made that the Senate Republican Caucus will no longer be a “conservative” or “Trumpian” party.

Their goal is to now be the party of liberal suburban college-educated women – the “Karens”.

And passing the most sweeping gun control bill in 30 years is a key part of that bizarre election strategy.

We can still stop this madness but conservatives everywhere must take action now.

Please email your senators – immediately – and tell them you oppose red flag laws and even more restriction on rifles.

Then, please forward this email around to everyone you know.

Everyone must lobby their senator immediately. 

If this bill passes – and right now it has enough votes to get around a conservative filibuster – the federal government will be funding unconstitutional “red flag” gun confiscation laws and imposing draconian rules on rifle purchases.

Just imagine some crazy leftist being able to simply call the police and claim you hold “dangerous” views and that’s all it takes for you to lose your 2nd Amendment rights!

Well, the “Republican” leadership in Congress has just teamed up with Joe Biden to ram such a bill through the senate.

It’s up to ordinary Americans to fight back.

Please email your senators and then forward this emergency email around.

Once this gun control bill passes, it will be full steam ahead for bans on semiautomatic rifles and handguns.

That legislation is likely already written. Moderate Republicans in the senate are simply waiting to see what blowback they get from pushing this first gun control bill.

Your emails can make a difference. These politicians care about reelection.

Some of them will abandon Biden’s gun control bill if their constituents complain loudly enough.

Please send your emails now.

And please forward this email or post this on social media.

This is urgent!


For America and freedom,

Rick Manning

President, Americans for Limited Government

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