[Final Notice] Special Election Memo for: [email protected]

Patriot, I’m sorry to bother you but this cannot wait.

Voters head to the polls TODAY -- including in a key must-win special election. But I’m sad to say, our fundraising is NOT where we need it to be. Our America First allies need our help if they want any chance of making it across the finish line and beating Nancy Pelosi!

It’s so urgent I’ve activated a special 500% donation match until polls close: Donate right now and your gift will have FIVE TIMES the impact.

Nancy Pelosi needs these seats to ram through Joe Biden’s radical agenda. That means if we lose them, there will be NOTHING WE CAN DO about the border crisis, empty shelves at the grocery store, out of control inflation, and skyrocketing gas prices!

Here’s the most important way you can help right this minute:

Donate before polls close TONIGHT and I’ll match your gift 500%.

I’m rushing to send critical reinforcements to our allies in key races so I won’t have another chance to reach out again. What you do in this moment could could mean the difference between victory and defeat.

This is the last and final time you can help before the polls close.

Are you with me or not, Patriot???

For America,

Steve Scalise

Republican Whip

Paid for by TEAM SCALISE, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and to benefit SCALISE FOR CONGRESS and EYE OF THE TIGER PAC. 320 First Street SE, Washington, DC 20003

Contributions to TEAM SCALISE, or any participating committee, are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, national banks, labor unions, foreign nationals without “green cards,” and federal government contractors are prohibited. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer of each individual who contributes over $200 in a calendar year.

320 First Street SE
Washington, DC 20003

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