
I know a thing or two about running a 50 state strategy, and if we’re going to not only protect our Democratic Senate majority but actually expand it, we must help Admiral Mike Franken defeat Chuck Grassley and flip Iowa blue.

I've been to all 99 counties in Iowa, and Franken appears to be an excellent candidate. He comes from the rural, northwest part of the state, and worked on farms as a kid and at a slaughterhouse to pay for college. He enlisted at age 19 and served over 36 years in the U.S. Navy, eventually earning the rank of three-star admiral.

Now, he’s campaigning in every part of the state – even all the rural counties won by Donald Trump – talking about health care, climate change, and the threats against democracy both here at home and abroad.

Chuck Grassley is clearly terrified about running against a career military guy who just won a tough primary to become the Democratic nominee. That means Grassley has internal polls that show he can lose.

I believe Mike Franken can defeat Chuck Grassley, but he needs your help today to do it. Mitch McConnell’s Super PACs are about to dump millions of dollars into this race, but Mike’s not taking a dime of corporate PAC money.

I’m personally asking: Will you join me and chip in $5 or more right now to Admiral Mike Franken’s campaign to help him defeat Chuck Grassley, turn Iowa blue, and expand our Democratic majority in the Senate?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Iowa just officially got added to my list of states that I know we can pick up a Senate seat in this November.

Howard Dean
79th Governor of Vermont
Former DNC Chair