Dear John, “Leo B. had a big idea. Something that would last for a million years” This is the opening line of my song Don’t Throw It Away where I refer to Leo Hendrik Baekeland, who invented the first plastic, known as
I collaborated with Plastic Pollution Coalition on the video for this song because we are facing a global plastic pollution crisis, and we need to act now. As we celebrate #GivingTuesday tomorrow, will you join me by making a gift in support of Plastic Pollution Coalition? Their goal is to add 100 new sustaining members this week. Plastic pollutes throughout its entire lifecycle, from extraction through manufacturing, production, use, and waste management including, dumping, landfill, and burning. Our use of single-use plastic disportionately impacts lower income and frontline communities across the U.S. and around the world. Your support will help Plastic Pollution Coalition educate, connect, and advocate for a world free of plastic pollution. Please join me in
raising awareness about the impact of plastic pollution. “It’s a beautiful world, baby don’t you throw it away.”
Think reusable, not disposable.
Thank you for your support! 
Keb' Mo' |