As you may know, following the sudden death of my husband and Independent Institute founder and president David Theroux, I was named Chairman and CEO of Independent to help ensure that his extraordinary legacy endures and continues to be advanced. Sharing and supporting David’s vision for Independent since its founding has been a great joy and inspiration, and I am very honored to be able to continue on in partnership with our tremendously dedicated team.
With David’s encouragement, my efforts had most recently been focused on the seemingly intractable challenges of housing and homelessness. Given the many nuanced facets contributing to these challenges, we engaged a team of scholars in rigorously exploring the root causes, and—most importantly—proposing solutions, in our peer-reviewed, in-depth policy report, Beyond Homeless: Good Intentions, Bad Outcomes, Transformative Solutions (or read the Executive Summary). The updated study will be released as a book later this year, and has already received glowing endorsements from experts across traditional political divides.
We are also pleased at the reception the companion documentary, Beyond Homeless: Finding Hope, has been receiving, with both in-person and virtual screenings and discussions forming new coalitions of concerned groups and individuals coming together in advancing community-based solutions that do not require government to take the leading role.
Watch the full 38-minute film, Beyond Homeless: Finding Hope.
While the film showcases San Francisco, its intent is to cast a vision for solutions that can both be effective here in the Bay Area—arguably ground zero of the homelessness crisis—and an inspiration to communities across the country.
I hosted the documentary at David’s suggestion, and it was certainly a stretch far outside my comfort zone. But in the process, I had the tremendous opportunity of not only coming to better understand the complexity and extremely individualized nature of our country’s homelessness crisis, but also to gain a deep, deep appreciation for the enduring value of the process of communities working together as Alexis de Tocqueville so inspiringly documented in his Democracy in America (1835).
The experience has profoundly confirmed to me the wisdom of Independent’s commitment to shifting the culture, as opposed to focusing on political activism, or as Hayek so clearly communicated:
“We must make the building of a free society once more an intellectual adventure, a deed of courage. … Those who have concerned themselves exclusively with what seemed practicable in the existing state of opinion have constantly found that even this had rapidly become politically impossible as the result of changes in a public opinion which they have done nothing to guide. Unless we can make the philosophic foundations of a free society once more a living intellectual issue, and its implementation a task which challenges the ingenuity and imagination of our liveliest minds, the prospects of freedom are indeed dark. But if we can regain that belief in the power of ideas which was the mark of liberalism at its best, the battle is not lost.”
—F.A. Hayek, The Intellectuals and Socialism (1949)
In my conversations with concerned citizens across San Francisco and the country, it has become very clear to me that there is a new willingness—indeed eagerness—for the powerful, transformative ideas and solutions that we offer. But we need your help to reach the vast numbers we have not yet touched, across the spectrum, so eager for alternatives to the failed status quo. We thus gratefully appreciate your consideration of a fiscal year-end gift to Independent and help us take advantage of these tremendous opportunities. Your tax-deducible contribution of $50, $100, $500—or whatever you can give–will help us reach and engage new adherents for a free society!
Thank you for your kind consideration!
With best wishes,
Mary L. G. Theroux
Chairman and Chief Executive
Independent Institute
100 Swan Way
Oakland, CA 94621
(510) 632-1366
P.S. Remember, if you respond by June 30th, your gift will help us in our goal to take our compelling, opportunity-based solutions even further and deeper! You can do so by visiting this link.
Thank you for being by our side––and on the side of liberty!