
What the progressive Left has done to our country is a shame.

Under President Trump and Senate Republican Leadership, our country was winning like never before, our southern border was the most secure it’s been in history, and authoritarian regimes and Communist nations FEARED us.

But, in two short years, Biden and his radical Left-wing handlers in Washington have destroyed our economy, flung our southern border open to violent criminals and drug dealers, and have allowed international chaos to erupt throughout the world.

The ONLY way we can save our country from the incompetence of the Left is by restoring Republican control of the United States Senate THIS November.

My team told me I should specifically reach out to you before anyone else because you’re a true America First patriot dedicated to beating the Left this November. Will you stand with Senate Republicans to SAVE our great nation from the Left?

Please contribute $35 or more AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to restore our Republican Majority in the United States Senate. >>


My team is updating me on every patriot who stepped up and donated to this email throughout the day. I already told them to expect something from YOU, so please do not let me down.

Donate ANY AMOUNT RIGHT NOW and stop Left from DESTROYING our country.

Thank you, 

Mike Pompeo

Former Secretary of State for the United States of America



Contributions to the National Republican Senatorial Committee are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Paid for by the NRSC.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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