From Andrew Yang <[email protected]>
Subject If you agree that Amazon and other companies sucking up billions of dollars in commerce need to pay their fair share, please add your name and let’s send a message that we’re ready for a new set of rules in our economy.
Date December 2, 2019 10:55 PM
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[ Andrew ]Andrew Yang for President

Yang Gang --

Over the past several years, Cyber Monday has become a landmark holiday
for Americans looking for deals on electronics, clothing, and other
consumer products.

Experts are predicting that Americans will spend nearly $10 billion online
today -- a huge increase over last year -- with most of that money going
straight to companies like Amazon and other online retailers.

These trends are why 30% of America’s malls and stores will close over the
next five years.  With retail being one of the most common jobs in the
country, what are the millions of retail workers going to do when their
jobs are displaced by robots in fulfillment centers?

These are the questions we need to be asking.  Our leaders need to be
grappling with these issues and I’m running for president because I can
see that they are not.  They don’t want to think about problems that they
don’t have solutions for.

Here’s the bottom line: We’re not going to block technological progress,
but we can make sure that all gain from it.  I’ve put forward a series of
proposals that would allow Americans to share in the bounty of the 21st
century economy.

[ [link removed] ]If you agree that Amazon and other companies sucking up billions of
dollars in commerce need to pay their fair share, please add your name and
let’s send a message that we’re ready for a new set of rules in our

[ [link removed] ]Add your name

Imagine a future in which all Americans benefit from the gains of days
like Cyber Monday.  Imagine a society where retirement-age men and women
aren’t forced to work grueling hours to make ends meet -- sometimes even
during the holidays.

This future is possible.  We just need to push ourselves to think harder
and make it a reality.  I’m running for president because I know we can do
so much better by our people.

Thank you for putting Humanity First,


We don't have corporate PACs or big donors who can
close the fundraising gap we face, just grassroots
donors like you powering this campaign. Please give

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Paid for by Friends of Andrew Yang

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