From Michael Farris <[email protected]>
Subject Don't let the government decide what's best for your child
Date June 14, 2022 2:23 AM
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How would you feel if your first-grade daughter came home to tell you her teacher is encouraging her to believe she's really a boy trapped in a girl's body?

...That the school is actively trying to "transition" her to a different "gender identity," calling her by a different name than the one you gave her at birth, all while they keep you - the parents - in the dark?

Or what if you learned your child was being indoctrinated by activist teachers with radical racial ideologies rooted in Critical Race Theory?

Would you be outraged to know this is happening at your child's or grandchild's school?

As a parent of ten children myself, I know I would be. It's every parent's right and moral obligation to direct the upbringing of their children.

But if you agree with me, I hope you'll take action today.

Because whether it's Critical Race Theory or gender identity ideology, more and more parents are discovering these radical ideas are being forced upon kids in classrooms across the country.

That's why I hope you'll consider making a generous tax-deductible gift of $25, $50 or more to Alliance Defending Freedom today to protect our kids and defend the rights of parents.


Before I get ahead of myself, I should probably introduce myself...

My name is Michael Farris, and I'm the President & CEO of Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).

ADF is the world's largest nonprofit legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, marriage and family, the sanctity of life, and parental rights.

We don't just stand for freedom - we win.

Since 2011, ADF has won 13 victories before the Supreme Court of the United States, and right now, we're winning nearly 80% of the cases we fight!

ADF's new Center for Parental Rights
, we're fighting back against the efforts of government officials to violate the rights of parents and indoctrinate our children.

With more and more examples of radical ideologies in the classroom being uncovered every day, it's clear these are the issues facing parents across the country.

Some public school officials think they can control your children or grandchildren.

They believe they can break your children from the values you raised with them with.

Put simply, you and I must act to stop this before more kids are hurt.

In fact, at ADF we're getting more requests for help than ever, with legal requests doubling in the past year alone.

We are getting calls from desperate parents to help them defend their children - because many of them have no other choice than to send them to public schools.

That's why I hope you'll support ADF's Center for Parental Rights with an urgent tax-deductible gift of $25, $50 or more today.


Take the scenarios I laid out for you at the beginning of this email - because they're true.

In Wisconsin for example, an elementary school played a video celebrating a teacher's gender transition to the entire school, from kindergarten through fifth grade -
without parental notice!

In fact, this same school district requires all staff to support and participate in the social transition of children to their "affirmed gender identity" - including children K through 12 - including changing the child's name
and pronouns.

Not only is all of this being done without parental consent, but the school also required staff to conceal and even deceive parents about what's happening with their children.

In Virginia, another school district is dividing children between being the "oppressed" or being an "oppressor," based on the color of their skin or other "identities."

They're telling kids that if you are white, Christian or male, you must confess your "privilege" and "guilt" - or face punishment from the school for not complying with their divisive ideology!

In fact, the school is even teaching kids that being "colorblind," opposing certain political positions, or simply remaining apolitical is
They're essentially teaching children that racism is the solution to racism.

Does this sound like what is best for these children? I hope your answer is a loud-and-clear "NO!"

If you believe parents have a fundamental right and duty to raise their children as they see fit, then please make your gift to Alliance Defending Freedom right away.


What activist officials in these public schools are doing is immoral. It's illegal. It's unconstitutional.

And they're acting without regard for the best interests of the kids and the rights of their parents.

They're putting children on a dangerous and unhealthy path by pitting them against their parents - all to serve an ideological and political agenda.

But I'm here to tell you we can win these battles with your help, because these are EXACTLY the kinds of threats to children ADF and our Center for Parental Rights has been created to tackle.

We never charge our clients a dime for our legal services. When your God-given constitutional rights are under attack, there's too much at stake - we MUST take a stand.

We're in this to win generational victories that change our culture and the law to secure for future generations the liberties you and I enjoy.

But I have to tell you, we cannot win these victories without good people like you on our side who support these critical legal efforts...

Now, the cases ADF's Center for Parental Rights is fighting are the very definition of "generational" battles.

If we don't have people like you in our corner to win these fights, we know that government officials in public schools will continue indoctrinating kids as they see fit...

So please don't delay. I need to know if you stand with parents and their children in these critical legal battles...

Will you please make an urgent tax-deductible gift of $25, $50 or more to Alliance Defending Freedom to defend the rights of parents?


Today, these fights are already happening in school board meetings across the country. Tomorrow, it could come to your state, county, or school board.

That's why, if you care about your God-given freedoms and constitutional rights, I hope you'll take urgent action today.

Schools should be a place for actual education. Not where parents are kept in the dark about their children's lives.

These kids and their families deserve better. You and your family deserve better.

We can stop this before it's too late, but we can only do it with people like YOU on our side...

Will you let me know if you're with us?

Thank You & God Bless You,

Michael Farris

President & CEO
Alliance Defending Freedom


© 2022 Alliance Defending Freedom

15100 N. 90th Street, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260

All donations are secure, private, and tax-deductible. Member ECFA.

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