
🚨🚨🚨 ALERT: Inflation spiked by a painful 8.6% in May, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported late last week.
Poll for Friend

Are you sick of paying higher costs for goods and services because of inflation?

The cost of various goods, including gas and food, is soaring. Gas prices have broken records almost every day. Americans are falling behind. 

We’ve heard from hundreds of concerned citizens about how rising costs, supply chain disruptions, and labor market shortages are affecting them. 

How is inflation affecting you and your family? We want to hear from you, Friend.

Sadly, many elites in government are shockingly out of touch with the impact of inflation on family budgets. 

Washington has no good answers other than to spend trillions more and to reintroduce earmarks. That’s doubling down on the approach that has created this whole problem in the first place.

More federal spending will only drive prices higher and increase hardship on American families.
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