![]() Patriot, The fake news reported yesterday that a “compromise deal” has been reached in the U.S. Senate on gun control. This is fake news on both counts. First, it’s not a “compromise” at all: law-abiding gun owners across America will have their guns taken away under “Red Flag” laws that gut the Bill of Rights and get nothing. But second, it’s not a “deal” until there’s an actual bill and a vote, so they can still change things. Patriot, click here to sign this urgent “DO NOT COMPROMISE ON MY GUN RIGHTS” postcard demanding your U.S. Senators vote NO on any so-called “compromise deal” that deals away your gun rights. According to the press release announcing the “deal,” the bill being developed will compel the states to pass Constitution-shredding “Red Flag” laws by providing financial incentives to the states. These “Red Flag” laws attack not just the Second Amendment, but the Bill of Rights as a whole. First Amendment: Red Flag laws are
often abused by jealous partners and political opponents who can use any innocent thing you’ve ever said against you. And if they pass Red Flag
laws, any disagreement with the ruling ideology will be a red flag. Second Amendment: Under Red Flag laws, your guns can all be seized, and you can be prohibited from owning firearms when you haven’t been convicted or even charged with any crime. Fourth Amendment: Under Red Flag laws, the police will storm into your home to seize your guns, based solely on a bald accusation, not evidence. Fifth and Sixth Amendments: Red Flag laws undermine due process completely. You’re guilty until proven innocent. Based on a mere accusation, a law-abiding gun owner is subjected to an "ex parte" hearing (a secret court proceeding in which the gun owner is not allowed to offer any exonerating evidence and isn't even informed of the hearing, let alone be entitled to defense of counsel). Victims are almost always deemed guilty. And if not, getting their legally-owned weapons back is a whole other process. Seventh Amendment: There is no right to a jury trial. Do not think “Oh, this kind of thing only happens to other people. I won’t be ‘Red Flagged.’” Whatever you allow the government to do to others, it could eventually do to you. Tell Your U.S. Senators RIGHT NOW: NO COMPROMISE ON THE BILL OF
RIGHTS! Remember, as we noted last week, no matter who your U.S. Senators are – even if they’re anti-gun Democrats – lawmakers are counting how many letters from angry constituents they receive, and they’re planning the whole remainder of the legislative season around how many angry voters they risk losing. They need to hear from you, NOW! Even if you already signed your gun rights petition last week, it is urgent you sign this new postcard right now, addressing the nonsense “compromise deal” they think will shut you up. And after you sign your postcard, please make a generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty. We are fighting legislative battles in real time. This is one we can – and MUST – win. And the more resources we have available the more pressure we can apply, and the more we can do to hold the weak-kneed RINOs accountable. So please dig deep today so we can reach more patriots like you to win this critical battle. Can you give $100, $200, $500, or more today? Even if your gift of $50 or $25 is a lot, every bit will help. Thanks for everything you do for Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. This is a critical moment, and we need patriots like you to stand strong for the Second Amendment. The Senate could move quickly. Contact your U.S. Senators now, and demand they oppose any attack on the Second Amendment. P.P.S. Campaign for Liberty doesn’t just deliver hard-hitting takes on political news: with every step, we’re fighting for real-world impact on lawmakers, mobilizing the grassroots on the most important issues of our time. We are only able to do so with the support of patriots like you – and the more support we have, the more we can do. If you support Campaign for Liberty’s mission, please support us with a contribution today. Your generous gift of $50, $100, $200, $500 or more will help us fight back against the gun grabbers. If $25 or $10 is affordable to you today, please consider helping us fight for the Constitution! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is
to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional
foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
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