PFAW Member, Today is Giving Tuesday, the day following the commercial “holidays” of Black Friday and Cyber Monday when Americans give to the causes and organizations that are near and dear to their hearts and reflect their values. I’ll be perfectly blunt: The most important gift you can make this Giving Tuesday is a donation to save America from Trump and Trumpism. That’s why I’m going all in to support People For the American Way and I hope you’ll do the same. Our country can’t afford another 4 years of Trump … another 4 years of Mitch McConnell’s Republican Senate majority … another 4 years of national policies fueled by white nationalist hate… We can’t afford another 4 years of the Far Right’s attacks on our democracy … of their aggressive efforts to hijack our federal judiciary … of their war on the American Way and on truth itself. My impression of Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live gets laughs, but there’s nothing funny about what he and his allies are doing to our country. Trump, his enablers in Congress, and the dangerous, racist, right-wing movement that he’s helped to catalyze threaten our core ideals and the fundamental rights of so many. That’s why the American Way has never needed a powerful defense as much as right at this very moment. And it’s why your support of People For the American Way has never been more critical. All online donations to PFAW this Giving Tuesday are 3X-MATCHED, so this is your chance to have your impact TRIPLED in the fight to save our democracy from Trump and his extremist movement. Thank you for your support, activism, and for everything you do. Sincerely, Alec Baldwin P.S. I recently joined PFAW on the front lines in this year’s state elections in Virginia – where we made history by flipping both chambers of Virginia’s General Assembly to Democratic control. It was exciting to see in-person the effectiveness of this organization I love and have supported for so long. I can tell you as a first-hand witness that PFAW approaches the fight for progressive change with unmatched smarts and tenacity, and I hope you’ll take this Giving Tuesday triple-match opportunity to invest in a better future for our country by giving to restore the American Way.