This police approved weapon is now available to US civilians.
Police stash it under their pillow, beside their gun.
Here’s why:
They know America is infested by desperate drug addicts.
These drug addicts, many times young kids, support their habit by robbing homes.
In a home invasion this weapon shines a light on the intruder so you can use the force needed to stop the robbery.
Your gun will kill them. This weapon will paralyze and then incapacitate them for up to 7 minutes.
It’s your call, but it is wise to have options if you see an unarmed 12 to 15 year old enter your home.
Grab your police approved weapon here, and store it under your pillow, to keep your family safe.
~Mark Harrison,
- This tool will not likely kill the intruder, but it is vicious. It will paralyze any size attacker instantly, most times they will lose control bowel functions. So please keep out of a child's reach after you get yours for 50% off.