John -
I'm proud to be endorsed by so many grassroots Republicans and local elected officials. I have even been identified as the Community Conservative in this race. They know I have my community's best interest at heart and that I will bring that attitude with me to Washington, D.C.
⬇️ Watch my new "Community Conservative" video ⬇️ Local conservatives know the right Republican is needed to take back turncoat Charlie Crist's seat and restore the House Republican Majority. That's why they've joined my growing list of supporters. John - will you join them by making a $5 contribution today?
Every day I'm in my community spreading my message and letting them know that I'm the only candidate who is unapologetically pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment, pro-term limits, and pro-Desantis, and the voters in my district resonate with that.
I want to continue this hard work for the next 60 days, but we need to have a fully funded Get Out the Vote fund to keep this pace.
Can you help us fund our outreach efforts for the next 60 days by rushing in $5, $10, or more today?
The only way we can win this seat, take back the House majority, and retire Nancy Pelosi for good is if we continue spreading the message across FL-13 right up until Election Day. Can I count on your help to fill up our Get Out the Vote fund today?
Thank you,
Amanda Makki Community Conservative for FL-13
 | Amanda Makki is an America First candidate for Congress in Florida's 13th District. A legal immigrant, attorney, and conservative national commentator, Amanda is a strong conservative with a proven record of fighting for the values and principles that made America the greatest country in the world! To support Amanda's campaign chip in $5 or more today! |