Trump Majority Strategist Resume

94th Percentile Among Trump Patriots: ✔️✔️✔️

Committed to Restoring Trump’s Majority: ✔️✔️✔️

Exposing the radical Left: ✔️✔️✔️

Accepted position: ❌❌❌


This is gut-wrenching.

Our team identified YOU as being in the 94th percentile among ALL TRUMP patriots (CONGRATULATIONS.) That’s why we offered you an EXCLUSIVE position as a TRUMP MAJORITY STRATEGIST, but our records indicate that you never accepted…


Trump Majority Strategists are some of our most loyal patriots. They will assist our team in setting critical election-year strategies, help craft our Battleground plans to RESTORE Trump’s Majority, and so much more. 

You missed the deadline to accept your position as a Trump Majority Strategist, but you’re essential to beating the far-Left’s socialist agenda, so we’re giving you a ONE-DAY extension to accept.

Please follow your PERSONAL link below to accept your exclusive position as a Trump Majority Strategist. >>

We had to bend many rules to authorize your RARE ONE-DAY extension to become a Trump Majority Strategist. Please do NOT make us regret it, Patriot. 

Accept YOUR position as a crucial Trump Majority Strategist before your EXTENSION expires.

Thank you,

NRSC Majority Strategy Team



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Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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You were added to the system October 25, 2021.
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