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Hi friend,

Thanks to the pressure you've been putting on MPs, I’ve been invited to give evidence in parliament tomorrow about the global debt crisis.  

They are also taking evidence from our allies on the frontline of the debt crisis in Africa and Asia, Jason Braganza and Mae Buenaventura.  

I’ll be telling MPs that the only way for lower income countries to fight the debt crisis, affecting over 50 countries right now, is to compel banks and financial players like BlackRock to cancel the debt.   

But we need to make sure the government gets the message as loudly as possible that they need to act. If you haven’t already, can you write to your MP about this campaign?  

Yes, I'll add my voice for debt justice

This is an important step in our campaign to win debt justice for countries in crisis, like Zambia.  And it’s only happening because supporters like you are taking action.  

Going in with the backing of thousands of supporters, we will expose BlackRock in parliament for refusing to cancel or suspend any debts while seeking to make large profits from Zambia’s crisis.  

BlackRock, like other banks, think they are unstoppable, untouchable, but they should think again. People power will defeat this Goliath.

If you haven’t already, please help make sure our MPs get the message.

I'll contact my MP

We’ll be in touch later this week with video highlights from the parliamentary hearing. You can hear what Jason, Mae and I have said to our politicians.  

Thank you again for your support! This wouldn’t have been possible without you. 

In solidarity,  


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